

公案 2 : 唯我獨尊





Case #2 : I Am The One

A Buddhist monk asked a Zen master : “Where is Buddha[1]?”'

Zen master answered : “It’s not around us.”

Buddhist monk : “Then how could I find it , if it’s not around me?”

Zen master : “You are (I am) the one[2].”
[1] Buddha in this case has many meanings. It can refer to Buddha himself, or the state of enlightenment – Buddhahood, or the path to find Buddhahood. So the monk were asking the core meaning of Buddhism generally, and how to achieve Buddhahood (becoming Buddha).
[2] If you are thinking about the movie – “The one” by Jet Li, that’s not what we are talking about right here, but the phrase “I am the one” (in Chinese 唯我獨尊) does originally come from Buddhism. In a superficial way of understanding this is that you should find Buddha in you, and it’s always in you. You just need to understand the teaching of Buddha, and then you will find the answer not from others but from yourself. So “YOU(yourself)” are the answer, You’re the one, I am the one.

P.S. 這篇很基本但也很多隱含的意義在內的公案,借用<修行本起經>中記載佛陀出世所言:天上天下,唯我獨尊,三界皆苦,吾當安之。來警惕修行者不 要執著外相,人人心中都有佛。因為有很多層的隱喻包含在裡面,我以為算是翻譯難度很高的公案,或許以後有機會會再用另一種方式來翻譯這篇。


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