公案9 : 止小兒啼


















[1] 常有心不定之時,就如同小兒啼哭,禪師就會跟你說心即是佛。定下心來就會見佛性。這是對世俗紛擾的一帖,意如見山是山。


[2] 入門後心雖定,卻也常迷罔佛在哪裡。這時就要體總總假象,就連心跟佛的也只是符號表相。意如見山不是山。


[3] 多方辯證理解後,常會生妄心,以為世間總總皆是假,佛理人心也無著,這時以禪意借殼指月來解脫,不吝見山又是山,也不是山。不可說也。


[4] 光理性的理解了悟之外,力行實踐下功夫不墜才是大道。



Case #9 : Little Baby Crying


A Buddhist monk asked a Zen master : “Why did you say Buddha is in the mind?”


The Zen master answered : “To stop little babies from crying.”[1]


Buddhist monk : “What if they already stopped crying?”


Zen master : “Tell them there are no mind and no Buddha.”[2]


Buddhist monk : “What if people come to me and said they don’t believe in both?”


Zen master : “Say something that is nothing.”[3]


Buddhist monk : “What if people say that they believe in what I said?”


Zen master : “Teach them the way of practicing Buddhahood.”[4]


[1] Another Zen sentence that means something else. You may say that your heart is like a little baby constantly crying for different desires. But Buddha is in one’s mind. It’s best for beginners to know how important to calm their mind and find the peace.


[2] If people have already calmed their minds, then they should know that everything is not what it looks like. Just as many previous cases said to look beyond the superficial meanings. Not to be obsessed with the words. Buddha or no Buddha.


[3] Sometimes people are cynical and do not believe in anything, whether it’s true or not true, they always think nothing is right. Then a Zen master may pull the trick of telling something which means absolutely nothing. And by doing so, people who are clever enough will understand the absurdity of those actions and everything.


[4] Zen is not just talking. You need to understand the teachings as well as to practice them, either through meditation, or exercises, or writings, etc. If you say that you don’t know where to start. Please just use your mouth and ask, as the Buddhist monk in this case.



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