公案12 : 無問無答















[1] 本篇選自【大藏經】中的【那先比丘經】,其內容為紀元前二世紀北印度大夏國王彌蘭陀(Menander I Soter),論難佛教僧侶那先之對話。其內容主要為當時主流之小乘。但其內容也有原始的禪學意涵在內。


[2] 比丘那先(Nagasena)為婆羅門種性。西元前四世紀希臘馬其頓國王-亞歷山大大帝(Alexander the Great)遠征印度伊朗地區,擊敗當地(Bactria)的原始王國建立行省。但他死後帝國分解,大夏國(Bactriana)就是帝國分解後的塞琉古帝國(Seleucid Empire)獨立出的希臘化王國。其在紀元前二世紀開始入侵北印度地區,並產生諸多希臘化印度小國。國王彌蘭陀就是其中一個最強大的印度希臘王國的國王,晚年依佛教。這些希臘化印度王國的文化,以其希臘哲學辯證,與理性思維影響了當時小乘佛教教義,並逐漸演進出大乘佛教教義,對佛教的散播和佛教藝術都產生重大影響。接續其的貴霜帝國(Kushan Empire)與中國有密切的商業往來,並是當時的佛教中心,也因此將佛教東傳入中國。


[3] 這似名相邏輯的對話,可說融合了希臘哲學思想與原始佛教教義。最初的禪意就奠基於此。嚴謹的哲學思辯挑戰了佛教的唯心論,佛學中的空無思想也深受這理性主義影響。傳至中土後,又結合了中國道家無為哲學,進而成為禪宗濫觴。



Case #12 : Questions and Answers


King Menander I [1] asked Master Nagasena [2] : “I want to ask a question.”


Master Nagasena replied : “What’s the question, Your majesty.”


The King said : “I have already asked.”


Master Nagasena : “I have already answerd.”


The King : “What is THE answer?”


Master Nagasena : “What is THE question?”


The King : “I have no question.”


Master Nagasena : “There is no answer.”[3]


[1] King Menander I was a king of one of the Indo-Greek Kingdoms from 2nd century BCE in today northern India. They are descendent from the most eastern part of Alexander’s Empire in 4th century BCE.


[2] Master Nagasena is a Buddhist sage and a Brahmin. And his answers to the questions from King Menander I (also known as Milinda) are recorded in the book – Milinda Panha. It was translated and brought to China in 4th century CE.


[3] As you may have already familiar with the techniques used by Zen teachings. This is one of the examples of how Ancient Greek philosophy affected Buddhism teachings. And the teachings of Buddhism extract this philosophical thinking and later become one the foundations of Mahayana Buddhism. It was strengthen even further when combining with Taoism in China, and becoming Zen Buddhism. Thus the teaching of Zen becomes cryptic, but also means more than just superficial words. It focuses one’s mind, and digs deeper into the core of every thought, then comes a conclusion than even mind itself is an illusion.




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