公案5 : 打車打牛


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公案4 : 柏樹子成佛

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公案3 : 庭前柏樹子

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Some of my friends who first heard of Zen have little idea about what it is about, so I thought it might be a good idea to translate some cases and stories of Zen Buddism, so people from different cultures all over the world can get a little be understanding about "Zen". Although sometimes meanings might get lost in translation, so from time to time, hence I'll choose to translate the broad idea behind them instead of word by word literal translation. Hopefully everyone becomes more familiar with Zen after reading these cases/stories.


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      佛教跟耆那教的關係並不是父子, 而是兄弟, 兩者幾乎都在同時出現, 也都因為對傳統婆羅門教教義的反抗而出現, 兩者核心出發點都根基於破除苦難, 也因此有共同的輪迴觀, 做個不倫不類的對比, 婆羅門教是猴子跟人類的祖先, 演化出人類跟猩猩的佛教, 以及猴子的耆那教, 人類跟猩猩又分家出大小乘,神道教,禪宗.

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      有些人認為佛教強調無我, 卻又認同輪迴的概念, 這彼此間有所矛盾. 因為既然沒有我這個主體, 那又是甚麼東西在承受輪迴業報呢?

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嘗試看看 Pixnet  的 blog 好不好用,把舊的文章統統匯出過來,但是要重頭來分類跟定標題阿,還是有些麻煩。


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